What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in Pennsylvania?

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What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury in Pennsylvania?

by | May 21, 2024 | Personal Injury

Personal injuries can happen unexpectedly, turning your life upside down in an instant. Whether it’s a car accident, a slip and fall, or medical malpractice, dealing with the aftermath can be daunting. One crucial aspect of seeking justice and compensation for your injuries is understanding the statute of limitations. This legal timeframe in Pennsylvania dictates how long you must file a personal injury claim. Let’s delve into the specifics of the statute of limitations for personal injury in Pennsylvania and what it means for you.

How Long is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims typically spans two years from the date of the incident. This means you have a window of two years to initiate legal proceedings against the party responsible for your injury. However, there are important nuances to consider.

Sometimes, the clock may start ticking not from the date of the incident, but from the date you discovered or should have discovered that your injury resulted from negligence or wrongful conduct. This is known as the “discovery rule” and can extend the statute of limitations beyond the initial two-year period.

It’s crucial to note that special rules apply when the injured party is a child. In such cases, the statute of limitations may be tolled, meaning it starts running once the child reaches a certain age, typically 18.

Additionally, if your personal injury claim involves a city, county, or state government agency, you’re required to file a notice of intent to sue within six months of the incident. This shorter timeframe emphasizes the importance of prompt action when pursuing claims against governmental entities.

Is There a Time Limit for Pain and Suffering Claims?

Beyond compensation for medical expenses and lost wages, you may also be entitled to seek damages for pain and suffering resulting from your injury. These non-economic losses encompass the emotional and physical anguish you’ve endured.

Under Pennsylvania law, there’s a time limit for bringing forth pain and suffering claims. While the two-year statute of limitations generally applies, the sooner you consult with a personal injury attorney, the better. Swift action allows for the preservation of crucial evidence and strengthens the foundation of your case.

Is There a Time Limit for Claims Against the Government?

If your injury involves negligence on the part of a government entity, such as a slip and fall on government property, the limitations period is notably shorter. You must provide official notification of your intent to file a personal injury claim within six months of the incident.

Failure to adhere to this timeline can result in the dismissal of your lawsuit. Thus, it’s imperative to promptly notify the relevant government agency and seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with this stringent requirement.

Seeking a Personal Injury Attorney In Pennsylvania Who Will Tirelessly Advocate For Your Rights?

Now that we have explored the statute of limitations for personal injury in Pennsylvania, navigating the complexities of personal injury law can be challenging, especially when you’re dealing with physical and emotional recovery. At Pacin Levine, P.A., we’re dedicated to advocating for your rights within this legal framework and helping you secure the compensation you deserve. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will guide you through every step of the legal process, providing compassionate support and aggressive representation tailored to your specific situation.

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, contact us at 215-273-6403. Your initial consultation is free, and we’re committed to pursuing justice on your behalf. Let us be your trusted ally in the fight for fair compensation and a brighter future.

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