Bicycle and Scooter Accidents

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If you have been injured in an accident, call Pacin Levine, P.A.

1-800-24-7-CRASH (2727)

Contact Our Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Kentucky Bicycle Accident Lawyers Today

In the U.S., bicycle trips make up only 1% of all trips — yet face a higher risk of crash-related injuries and deaths than drivers and passengers in motor vehicles.

According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 857 cyclists were killed in traffic accidents in 2018. That is an increase from 742 cyclist deaths in 2017. Government agencies have tried to promote and implement new safety measures to reduce the likelihood of motor vehicle-bicycle accidents, including the use of more lanes to accommodate the use of bikes in cities for work or leisure.

Regardless of safety precautions, fatal bicycle accidents appear to be on the rise. Bicyclists typically experience worse consequences due to lower external protection. They can experience traumatic injuries, including broken bones, spinal cord injuries, brain damage, and death.


Bicyclists are not the only ones at risk. Scooters and mopeds are commonly involved in collisions with motor vehicles. They are similarly defenseless and vulnerable to injuries and death because of their exposure. In fact, from 2014 to 2018, emergency rooms saw almost 40,000 injuries from scooter accidents. Many of these injuries included broken bones and head injuries.

That is why you need knowledgeable Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, or Kentucky bicycle accident lawyers to take care of your case. Schedule a free consultation with Pacin Levine today.

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How to Protect Yourself on a Bicycle or Scooter

Head injuries remain some of the most common injuries we see in bicycle, scooter, and moped accidents. Since your lower protection and visibility often puts you at risk, you want to maximize the amount of outer protection you use and make yourself more visible to motor vehicles. This increased protection may help decrease your risk of severe injuries and your chance of colliding with a car. You should:

  • Ride a bike, scooter, or moped that fits you — if it is too big, it will be more difficult to control
  • Use a helmet that fits properly
  • Keep your vehicle up-to-date and make sure every part works properly
  • Wear bright clothing during the day
  • Wear reflective clothing and gear at night and in areas with poor visibility
  • Install a white front light and a red rear light on your bicycle
  • Use reflectors on your vehicle
  • Plan your route and use streets with lower traffic and slower speeds when possible
  • If you are a bicyclist, use streets with bike lanes when possible

Reach out to one of Pacin Levine’s experienced scooter accident lawyers today.

Let Our Scooter Accident Lawyers Help You Today

Do you ride a bicycle, scooter, or moped? Have you been involved in a collision with a motor vehicle, resulting in traumatic injuries?

A Pacin Levine attorney can help you identify the party at fault and will fight to recover all the financial losses generated by the accident. We know that receiving fair compensation for unpaid wages, medical bills, and out-of-pocket expenses can help alleviate the stress of a long physical and emotional healing path.

Our priority is to help you obtain the proper treatment for your injuries and recover your financial losses. In the worst case scenario, we can offer you the necessary support and representation in case of a wrongful death.

Call Pacin Levine at 1-800-24-7-CRASH (2727) and schedule a free consultation with one of our Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, or Kentucky bicycle accident lawyers today.