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Can I make a claim against my business interruption insurance due to Coronavirus?
Business interruption insurance covers a certain amount of your expenses while your business is closed or unable to operate due to a covered loss. Nearly every policy specifically excludes an infectious disease as a covered loss. For example, the...

Your T-Bone Accident Settlement Depends on These Critical Factors
When you are injured in a T-bone accident, the challenges you are going to face could be the most difficult you’ve ever experienced. You might be in pain. You might be worried about paying your bills because you’re out of work, not to mention the medical bills that...

Rear Ended? Be Watchful for These Common Injuries
Were you rear ended by another driver? Be on the lookout for these injuries. You might think that rear-end collisions are not as serious as other types of car accidents, but consider this—according to the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration, this...

Fatal Accident in Miami: When to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit
If your loved one was the victim of a fatal accident in Miami, you might be entitled to compensation. It’s difficult to lose someone you love. At times of loss, money might be the farthest thing from your mind, but if your deceased loved one provided for you and your...

4 Types of Serious Motorcycle Accident Injuries and How to Avoid Them
For a long time, EMTs and medical personnel have referred to motorcycles by a particularly grim nickname—donorcycles. It’s blunt, but it gets the point across: if you get into a motorcycle accident, you better hope you’re lucky enough to make it out alive and intact....

Slip and Fall Attorney: Can I Sue Publix If I Fall in Their Store?
You should be able to shop for your groceries without having to worry about falling and injuring yourself. As a slip and fall attorney, however, I can tell you that many grocery stores, including Publix, sometimes do not maintain a safe environment for their...

3 Costly Mistakes Passengers Make after a Florida Car Accident
When you ride in someone else’s car, you might not think about it, but you are putting your life and safety into their hands. In case you are in a Florida car accident as a passenger, take a look at these three common mistakes that can cost you. Not Seeking Medical...

Car Accident Miami: Can I Use a Dashcam in Florida?
If you were in a car accident in Miami, you probably hope that you can find some evidence that you were not at fault. Florida is a “no-fault state,” which means that, regardless of who is responsible for an accident, each person’s medical bills and attendant expenses...

Traumatic Brain Injury? It Can Affect Your Miami Personal Injury Case
Traumatic brain injuries are serious. The effect that they can have on your health, relationships, career, and overall quality of life can be devastating. If you are considering pursuing a Miami personal injury case following an accident, it’s critical that you...

What If I Get into a Miami Car Accident with an Out-of-State Driver?
Miami is a top destination, so it’s no surprise that this weekend the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs will be coming to our city to play in Super Bowl LIV. But it’s not just these two teams that will be coming to Miami—we are also going to see a huge...