Ever wondered how many slip and fall cases go to trial? This article provides an answer to this and other personal injury facts.
You were just minding your own business when the world turned on its head. Staring up from the ground, dazed and disoriented, you realize that something’s not right. Is that a broken bone? A sprain? Whatever it is, it’s painful.
Slip and fall injuries are serious, and as the leading cause of injury for all ages, they are more likely to affect you than other accidents. Want to learn more to be prepared just in case? Here are a few facts you should know.
How many slip and fall cases go to trial?
Between 2-5% of slip and fall cases go to trial. Some victims are hesitant to file a lawsuit because they are scared that they will have to go to court and testify. While your situation may require it, going to trial in a slip and fall case is relatively rare.
If you ever need to seek damages for such an accident, you should know that you retain control throughout the process. An attorney can help you maximize your settlement and may suggest that you go to trial if the terms you receive are unfair, but the decision ultimately lies with you.
Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of brain injury.
Did you know that the most common way to sustain a brain injury is by falling? Brain injuries are serious medical events and can lead to long-lasting consequences, for you and your family. If you hit your head in a slip and fall accident, keep an eye out for the signs of traumatic brain injury.
Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of missed work.
One of the damages that you can seek after a falling injury caused by negligence is lost income from missed work. It’s a good thing too since these types of accidents are the leading cause of missed days of earned income.
On average, a slip and fall victim misses 11 days of work, which is a significant amount of time to be out.
Slip and fall accidents are expensive.
The total cost of medical treatment for American slip and fall accidents is about $34 billion every year. The average cost to each victim? About $30,000-40,000 in each incident. For the average family, this amount of money can and does lead to significant hardship. In some cases, bankruptcy is necessary to avoid a lifetime of debt.
Filing a lawsuit against a negligent party can help to limit the financial impact that you suffer from your injuries.
Need to file a lawsuit? Pacin Levine, P.A., is here to help.
Have you been hurt in a slip and fall accident? Don’t wait to hold those responsible accountable for your pain, suffering, and incidental costs. Get in touch with the attorneys at Pacin Levine, P.A., to schedule a consultation.
Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at info@pl-law.com.