Uber Driver Accident Rate: How Rideshares Have Increased Fatalities

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Uber driver accident rates have increased fatalities.

Uber Driver Accident Rate: How Rideshares Have Increased Fatalities

by | Aug 28, 2021 | Auto Accidents, Uber Accidents

How high is the Uber driver accident rate? This article discusses some of the ways that rideshare services have impacted the number of auto accidents across the country.

Uber and other rideshare services are understandably popular with consumers. What people may not realize, however, is how risky it can be to use these services, even to go a short distance.

Here’s what you need to know before you push that button to hail your next Uber.

How much has the Uber driver accident rate increased fatalities?

According to a study conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, rideshare services have driven up car accident fatalities by as much as 3% per year. In the study, researchers found that the most significant increases in traffic accidents occurred in larger cities. The study also found that pedestrian and bicycle fatalities from car accidents increased at similar rates.

In addition to the cost of life linked to these services, the financial costs associated with the increase in the Uber driver accident rate has been substantial. The study found that the costs associated with fatal Uber accidents is about $10 billion, excluding non-fatal accidents.

How many Uber drivers get into accidents?

Also found in the study is the number of fatal accidents involving Uber drivers. About 1,000 fatal car accidents are due to the increase of rideshare services every day. Of the 107 fatalities involving a rideshare driver between 2017 and 2018, 21% of the deaths were passengers, 21% were rideshare drivers, and 58% were third parties.

These numbers are important to consider when you decide to use these rideshare services. While you probably will not experience an accident when you use Uber or similar services, you could be putting your life and safety at risk.

When you think about it, the increase in risk makes sense. Rideshare drivers spend a considerable amount of time on the road. Fatigue and distraction are common factors, especially considering the incentive these drivers have to complete their trips as quickly as possible. The faster they take a passenger from point A to point B, the more money they stand to make on other trips.

Talk to an Experienced Attorney about Your Case

Uber accidents are becoming increasingly more common. As more and more people use these apps to get where they need to go, more accidents are bound to happen. The rules that govern rideshare accident insurance claims require an attorney who understands how such things work. If you want to ensure that you are not out of pocket for the injuries you sustained while riding with Uber or Lyft, you need to choose wisely.

Have you been injured because of your Uber driver’s negligence? Get the representation you need. At Pacin Levine, P.A., we specialize in Uber accidents and know all of the intricacies involved in such cases. Talk to us today so we can help you recover financially from your medical bills and missed work.

Are you ready to pursue your case? Contact us today and set up an appointment to speak to an attorney. Call us at 1-800-24-7-CRASH or write to us at info@pl-law.com.

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