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6 Reasons for Your Delayed or Denied Life Insurance Claim
A denied life insurance claim can feel like a slap in the face. While some denials are legitimate, many are at best loopholes and at worst deceitful. Want to make sure that you or your loved ones aren’t denied your life insurance claim? Take a look at these six...

These 4 Equipment Failure Problems Could Lead to an Accident
Of the over five million auto accidents that occur across the nation every year, most happen because of things like distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding. However, it’s important to be aware of other causes that can lead to serious injury and damage to...

Advice from a Miami Car Accident Attorney: Proving Negligence
When you get into a car accident in the Miami area, getting the compensation you deserve from the responsible party depends on proving negligence. A Miami car accident attorney can help you build your case in a way that helps you recoup the losses you sustained in the...

Florida Car Accident: 5 Critical Pieces of Evidence to Gather
Contrary to what you might think, recovering compensation for personal injury and property damage after a Florida car accident is not always easy. In theory, insurance should cover lost wages, medical expenses, and other expenses. But theory and reality don’t always...

Should I Accept My Insurance Claim Settlement? Everything You Need to Know
If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, you are probably trying to concentrate on healing yourself so you can get back to your life. While you’re recovering, the insurance company may come to you with an offer. Even if you know that the offer is too low, it can be...

How to Choose a Semi Truck Accident Lawyer in 4 Questions
Getting into an accident with a semi truck is often more devastating than an accident with another car. Choosing the right semi truck accident lawyer can mean the difference between getting the compensation you need to recover from injury and damage to personal...

Texting and Driving in Florida: What to Do After an Accident
Florida has no shortage of distracted drivers. Throw a cell phone into the mix and the situation could become deadly. To be clear, texting and driving in Florida is illegal, but it is currently treated as a secondary offense, which means drivers can’t be pulled over...

Injured on the Job in Florida? Follow These 3 Critical Steps
Workplace injury laws are different for each state. If you were injured on the job in Florida, you have to follow certain rules to ensure that you get the benefits you need and deserve. Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, regardless of industry and position, so...

Slip and Fall Accident: What to Do after You’re Injured
You probably thought you’d never end up here: lying in a hospital bed in pain because of a slip and fall injury. Consider this little not-so-fun fact, though—every day roughly two thousand people in the United States receive medical care because of injuries from...

Do You Have Defective Tires? Here Are 4 Warning Signs of a Blowout
You’ve probably seen those strips of rubber scattered along the highway. Whether they are from a car or a truck, those black chunks might signify something that can affect any driver: defective tires. When traveling at high speeds, vehicles with defective or poorly...