I Need Trigger Point Injections After a Car Accident. Can I Include Them in My Settlement?

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I Need Trigger Point Injections After a Car Accident. Can I Include Them in My Settlement?

by | Jun 16, 2023 | Accidents, Auto Accidents

If you’ve experienced trigger points as a result of a car accident, you may be wondering if the cost of trigger point injections can be included in your settlement. These injections are a proven treatment option for relieving the pain and discomfort associated with these muscle knots. In this blog, we will delve into the details of these injections, their role in post-accident recovery, and whether they can be covered in your car accident settlement.

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

The human body is a complex system of interconnected nerves, bones, and muscles. When certain bands of skeletal muscle develop trigger points, they can lead to pain and restricted movement. Trigger points usually form as a result of acute or repetitive trauma, causing the muscles to contract and become stuck. Common signs of trigger points include episodic or chronic headaches, joint pain, back pain, limited range of motion, and groin pain.

According to a study, trigger point injections offer an effective solution to alleviate these symptoms. The procedure involves injecting medication directly into the trigger point, helping to relax the tense muscle and break the pain cycle. Some of the muscle groups commonly treated with trigger point injections are the gluteus medius (a hip muscle), quadratus lumborum (a deep lower back muscle), and trapezius (the muscle that spans across the upper back and shoulders).

I Need Trigger Point Injections After a Car Accident. Can I Include Them in My Settlement?

Yes, you may seek compensation for the cost of trigger point injections and other necessary medical care resulting from a car accident. However, it’s important to note that a car accident can cause various other losses you may be eligible to recover, such as lost income, reduced earning capacity, pain and suffering, car repair or replacement expenses, disfigurement, and disability. It is advisable to consult with a car accident lawyer who can evaluate your case and identify all possible damages to determine the full extent of your potential compensation.

What Happens During and After the Trigger Point Injection Procedure?

When you arrive for your trigger point injection appointment, your physician will guide you on how to prepare based on the location of your trigger point and the symptoms you are experiencing. Here is what you can generally expect during and after the procedure:

  • Preparation: Your physician may ask you to sit or lie down, depending on the location of your trigger point. The affected area will be cleaned, and the trigger point will be marked on your skin.
  • Stabilization: The physician will apply pressure to the area, which may cause some discomfort. This pressure helps stabilize the muscle tissue for the injection.
  • Injection: Using a needle, the physician will insert and retract it into the muscle repeatedly. This process stimulates the muscle and allows it to relax. You may feel your muscles twitch during the procedure.
  • Anesthetic: In some cases, a local anesthetic may be injected to provide immediate pain relief.

Once the trigger point injection procedure is complete, you are free to go. Your doctor may recommend taking it easy over the next few days, but you can typically start using the affected muscle on the same day. The pain relief from the injection usually begins within 24 to 72 hours after the procedure and can last for about a month. Depending on your progress and recovery, additional trigger point injections may be recommended by your physician.

How Can You Seek Coverage for Your Trigger Point Injections Car Accident Settlement?

If you require trigger point injections as a result of a car accident, there are two primary ways you can seek coverage for them and other damages:

  • Insurance claim: Your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance policy can help cover your medical bills and a portion of your lost income. If your expenses exceed the limits of your policy, you have the option to file a claim with the insurance provider of the other party involved in the accident. This allows you to seek additional compensation to cover the remaining costs.
  • Personal injury lawsuit: In certain situations, filing a lawsuit may be necessary to secure fair compensation, especially if the other party’s insurance provider is unwilling to settle appropriately. Through a personal injury lawsuit, you can pursue damages beyond what your PIP policy covers, such as compensation for pain and suffering. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the time limits associated with these legal actions.

It is important to act promptly to ensure you don’t miss out on potential compensation. Insurance companies have their own deadlines for filing claims, and the state imposes a statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits. In Florida, for example, the typical timeframe to file a personal injury lawsuit is four years from the accident date, as stated in Florida Statutes § 95.11. Adhering to these deadlines is crucial, as failing to do so may result in the dismissal of your case and leave you responsible for covering your accident-related expenses on your own.

Therefore, if you require trigger point injections or other medical care following a car accident, it is recommended that you take immediate action to explore your options and seek the compensation you deserve. 

More: Can You Sue Someone for Lying About a Car Accident?

The Law Offices of Pacin Levine, P.A. Can Help You After a Car Accident:

Seeking legal assistance after a car accident can be instrumental in securing the compensation you deserve. The experienced professionals at Pacin Levine, P.A. can guide you through the complexities of the legal process and help you navigate insurance claims or personal injury lawsuits. For comprehensive legal assistance, contact Pacin Levine, P.A. at (305) 760-9085 or 1-800-24-7-CRASH (2727).

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