What is My Probability of Getting into a Car Accident?

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Black SUV driving past the pedestrian crosswalk. Your probability of getting into a car accident increases when speeding.

What is My Probability of Getting into a Car Accident?

by | Feb 11, 2022 | Accidents, Auto Accidents

Your likelihood of getting in a collision, and the severity of your injuries, will depend on many different factors. It can hinge upon whether you are in an urban or rural location, on the weather, on road conditions, and other elements. If you want to lower your probability of getting into a car accident, read on.

What is Your Probability of Getting into a Car Accident?

One report uncovered a startling statistic: 77% of motorists in the US have been in at least one accident in their lifetime. For every 1000 miles you drive, your chances of getting into a car accident are 1 in 366.

The average driver will file an insurance claim for an auto collision once every 17.9 years. This means the average person experiences three to four auto collisions in their lifetime.

Every year in the United States, car collisions cause 32,000 deaths and injure 2 million people.

What Causes Car Crashes?

If you want to lower your probability of getting into a car accident, take a look at these factors.

Weather Conditions

Where the weather is concerned, the US sees almost 6 million crashes annually — 21% of which are related to adverse weather conditions. Consider that 46% of these accidents happen during rainfall and 70% of these accidents happen on wet pavement.

On rainy roads, it is critical for drivers to start braking much earlier — it takes 10 times longer to stop on slippery roads than on dry pavement.

Impaired Driving or Driving Under the Influence

Over 50% of drivers admit to driving while distracted, whether they are changing clothes, shaving, styling hair, or texting.

Alcohol impairment causes 10,142 fatalities each year. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous. Instead of driving under the influence, assign a designated driver in your group, call a friend or loved one for a ride, or use a rideshare service.

Driving while sleep-deprived or fatigued is another factor many don’t think of. Yet, according to the Sleep Foundation, up to 20% of people have fallen asleep while driving. In 2017, sleep-deprived drivers caused up to 91,000 car crashes, resulting in 50,000 injuries and 795 deaths.


According to the NHTSA, speeding killed 9,478 people in 2017. It is the second most likely factor to cause a car crash (driving impaired is the first). But many people underestimate the cost of speeding. Here are a few statistics from Everquote to illustrate the issue:

  • 42% of drivers don’t believe driving 10 MPH over the limit is speeding.
  • 10% of drivers don’t think driving 20 MPH over the limit is speeding.
  • 50% of the time, drivers speed 10 MPH or more. The risk of a crash in these situations increases by over 9%.

Did You Get Hurt in an Accident?

To lower your probability of getting into a car crash, be a focused, defensive driver. However, in the case that you do get involved in an accident, you will need an experienced car accident attorney by your side. Call our car accident attorneys at 305-760-9085.

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