Why is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

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Why is my car accident settlement taking so long? The length can be due to a number of factors.

Why is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Accidents, Auto Accidents

Why is my car accident settlement taking so long? This might be your first question when you file a claim or lawsuit and it takes longer than expected. But there are two things for you to remember: patience and perseverance. Unfortunately, there is no exact answer for how long a car accident settlement takes, but if you stick with the process, the finish will be worth the wait.

However, here are several reasons why your settlement might be taking longer than you expected.

Why is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

All accidents are different, and the time it takes to settle depends on your situation. The quickest settlements are the ones in the case of both minimal property damage and no injuries. In other cases, the settlements can take several months and even years. They can take a long time to finalize, especially if the damages are extensive and no one is injured.

Your case may take long since a settlement typically involves negotiation discussions between your attorney, insurance companies, and defense attorneys. The last thing you want to do is settle for the first offer you receive — this low-ball settlement will typically not cover most of your expenses.

Here are a few of the factors that play into the length of your settlement.

Medical Costs

To receive the compensation owed to you for your losses, you need to be able to prove the value of those losses. Therefore, documentation like medical records, an itemized bill, and proof of lost wages is necessary to build the best case possible.

The more injuries and medical costs you have, the more likely it is that your settlement will take longer.

High-Value Cases

If you are in a car accident and need to settle a lawsuit, there may be compensation for the total of your medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. Depending on the extent of medical costs and property damage, you may have a high-value case. As a result, negotiating the settlement of your claim can take longer.

Delayed or Low Settlements

After the extent of your injuries from a car accident is gauged, your lawyer will start negotiations, usually with a settlement demand letter that includes the extent of your injuries, damage, and so on. The insurance companies may stall for time to see if they can find evidence that helps their case. They may use legal tactics to delay your claim or offer unfavorable settlements.

We Are Committed to Getting You the Best Outcome

Why is my car accident settlement taking so long? The time your lawyer spends negotiating will allow you to receive a larger compensation to cover all of your costs, future costs, and lost wages due to your injuries. At Pacin Levine, P.A., we can provide you with regular updates on your case. For a free consultation, call 305-760-9085.

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